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Bulk SMS and Email Marketing

What Openshield Does..

Openshield is a central hub for all your digital communications. Our system gives you the ability to manage and segment your databases, compose beautiful HTML emails, send Email and SMS campaigns with ease to any number of recipients, and track everything that happens.

We go beyond just email and SMS marketing tho, because with our transactional messaging engine you can power the delivery of any digital message from your organization, whether that be sending of an invoice in a branded template, an order notification, or any other system generated email or SMS.

Core Functionality

Email Marketing

Build and Send Gorgeous emails in the form of notifications, promotions, newsletters, alerts, reminders, and more to large audiences. Create highly personalized and targeted messages and automate your digital communication accross the organization.

SMS Marketing

Send personalised and automated sms campaigns with compliant opt-alt processing and track delivery and replies. Have a single view of your customer accross email and SMS campaigns.

Social Sharing

Automatically share your email campaigns accross Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn, and track Social interactions. Make it easy for subscribers to share campaigns.

Transactional Messaging

Use our transactional Messaging engine to send large volumes of buisness critical messages such as invoices, statements, order notifications, password reset, support mailers and more. Intergrate your CRM, ERP, or any other internal system to Openshield for secure, scalable and auditorbale email and SMS messaging.